Mommas, I lost it tonight with my daughter she wouldn’t stop crying and I started yelling and I’m so disappointed in myself I’ve been so frustrated with her lately and today I blew up 😩😩
Tomorrow try to play more with her, tell her “ i love you”, kiss her, hug her, make her smile and laugh. Seeing her happy will make your heart hurt less 💜
don’t feel bad, this happens a lot , sometimes the stress gets the best of us, tomorrow is a new day and I’m sure she will not remember that mommy got upset. You’re a great mom don’t beat yourself up ❤️❤️
Thanks. I’m trying super hard not to but it keeps replaying in my head and I’m just here cuddling trying to make it up to her and I keep telling her I love you and she says I love you too mommy
The fact that you feel so bad is what makes you an amazing momma. We can't be perfect all the time. Mom's yell too! Don't beat yourself up too much. I nanny and this is my first so I can only sympathize until my little one is born but I always tell my parents to go easy on themselves. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world and you're always your harshest critic. Much love.
@kedrababy, I mean we sat and talked about it and he was like that I can’t be doing that and I was trying to explain that I deal with it all the time and although his job isn’t the most peaceful of jobs he gets to leave and take a break from our children
Don’t feel bad!
Try to do something just you & her - a bath, coloring, or even just playing in her room for an hour.
She will remember the good parts of the day over the bad.