Sorry if too much information!


So, the past couple of weeks I have been having lots of pains and lots of pressure on my pelvis (I have SPD symptoms too) baby has been head down since my 28 week scan, feel like he is pushing more and more. And I keep needing to wee on an almost hourly basis, and more and more feel like I need toilet the other end (sorry for info) also when I wipe after weeing there is sometimes pale muccus is this all normal for right now? I'm getting pretty uncomfortable.

I am also having random crying outbursts for no real reason today - just pregnancy hormones??

Thanks in advance, girls :)

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Perfect, I'm not worried yet. Just wanting advice from people who have been there before. Thanks ladies xx
11.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
That all seems pretty normal don’t worry x
11.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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