Shara Love
Shara Love
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Good morning ladies .... I took two ovulation tests not long ago and I’m trying to see if these are negative or positive this is my first time taking them so not really sure how it works . I do have a app on my phone also that I can enter them in but not sure what it means when it says high or peak 🤦🏽‍♀️ help please and also when is the best time of day to take these tests ?

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They look positive to me. Did you take them with first morning urine? That will give you a false positive.

You start taking the test in the afternoon, and you want the lines to be equal, or the test line darker than the control. Once it is, your going to be ovulating the next 12-36 hours.
05.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I took it at like 10 something not first thing this morning
05.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Usually girls do the test after the period.
It’s better to do it in the different time , no sense to do in the morning
So, when you see the second line same light like control line you can make love with your husband this day and next 2 days too.
Good luck
05.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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