Oh then yeah they probably did get it all. A call never hurts. They will probably want to see you. If you can’t afford to go to your doctor find one that does a sliding scale based off income to get a reduced price. But definitely get checked out. Let me know how it goes.
Could be associated with the internal scar. Definitely it's important to get checked, and continuing to take the prenatals, just to keep the iron in safe levels
@olga.vlaa, do you have a regular doctor you could maybe call that would help you over the phone? I mean I bled for like 6 weeks then bled more if I over did it which was surprisingly easy to do. Then I got my first period or so they think right after. So it’s possible that’s what’s happening to you. But it never hurts to get it checked.
@whereswaldo after like a month PP I stopped bleeding for like a week and since then it hasn't stopped and its heavy, there times I get up and bleed through my pad
@olga.vlaa, yeah that would worry me. When I Over did it it would gush (Tmi sorry!!) and it was obnoxious. My concern would be if maybe they didn’t get all of the placenta out or something like that. But I could be wrong on placenta. I’m going off my memory from when I was pp which was so very long ago at this point.