Would anyone feel comfortable sharing with me their experience taking Zoloft? I am to a point I feel I need to consider a more rapid form of action, but am very nervous about taking medications for my anxiety. If you’d want to PM me that’s cool too! TIA

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It didn't work for me either time that I tried it but I later got diagnosed as bipolar so that could be a huge reason why. My mom takes it and her full dose makes her really sleepy BUT it did put an end to a HORRIBLE phase of panic attacks and paralyzing depression. She's also really sensitive to meds that can make you sleepy or hyper or anything. I really never hear anyone say they got WORSE on it. Give it a shot! My anxiety meds have literally been a life saver
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
When I started taking it, it got me out of such a rut I was in. I had more energy, more motivation, didn't let stress get to me, and helped level out my emotions. Ive had such a tough time without it since I got pregnant. I can tell I'll definitely need to start back on it once baby is here.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I was 17 and got prescribed Zoloft for depression. I don't remember how it made me feel but I remember my mom said it really helped and she could notice a difference. I have heard good things from that medication recently as well. I'm considering going back on it too
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I take it for depression. I need a pretty high dose but once I worked up to the right dose it started working pretty fast & it’s effective. Just know that medications like this aren’t going to be effective right away, they may need to be in your system for awhile to notice the difference.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yes I’ve read that, I guess rapid isn’t a good word, but I’ve been doing nothing so I’m considering doing something to see if that would help.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I was on it for a while but didn’t like it. I feel like it just lowered my mood and kept it down. Which in a way is good since I needed it for panic attacks, but it didn’t do much for my anxiety. I didn’t have any side effects besides dry mouth & lowered libido.
It really varies person to person though, it could work really well for you! I’d talk to your doctor and see what they recommend. You can always change medications if it’s not working for you.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
She says she usually recommends celexa but since I’m still nursing this is the safer option.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
@roth1321, oh yeah that makes sense. I got put on it while pregnant so it was my only option.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
It did wonders for my anxiety, it did give me the shakes when I first started it but after a few days it went away. I was on it for 10+ years.
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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