I wish you well. It’s really hard but it won’t be like this forever. Has he been checked for reflux? Sometimes it’s silent and not obvious because they don’t spit up. I also recommend looking into probiotics
My son was colicky for his first 3 months. It was really a dark time for me. Hang in there, it DOES get better! Is he on formula or BF? One thing that did make it a little better was switching his formula to a sensitive formula and putting gas drops in his bottle, sometimes I’d try gripe water. Babywearing and going on walks outside with him was my lifesaver, especially since I had a 14 month old to take care of too.
Okay so I struggled with this soooooo bad with my son, gas drops seemed to work after bottles for sure and sitting up for 30 minutes after each feeding and every single time he started screaming our first go to would be to burp him and that helped a lot
I always try to feed him propped up a bit. I wrap him up in a blanket hold his little body up agaisnt mine hold him tight and close and we dance around the house and i talk to him about my day lol. And yes im struggling with it alot too. Last night i gave him a warm bath in the sink and he was calm peaceful all night
@noahleesmamma, the dancing around part probably not a good idea (cause I used to do the same with Joseph and just blah puked up) even though it was just a tiny bit of bouncing around but I promise you just keep doing the sitting up thing and tons of burping and he will get better
Not a mom , just an auntie who watched a colic baby. I highly suggest an infant baby carrier. My niece sitting straight up, helped her so much and I was still able to do things around the house.
Yes! I have one. Its one of the bigger ones u would use for like hiking or somthing but its crazy cuz earlier this morning i was trying to get ready to leave and i was like omg i need a sling or carrier
Honestly I was a fan of the Moby wrap but it takes a lot of practice. Then I switched to lillebaby which I don't recommend especially if you're petite and short.