Any moms fail their sugar test? I’m over here an emotional wreck now

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I failed mine and they didn’t do 3 hour test. I was able to manage my blood sugar by following a strict diet without meds and checking my blood sugar every day. I was also high risk. It’ll be okay. Just do exactly what they tell you to do. 💜
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
How did your baby turn out if you don’t mind me asking? Like did you have to have a Csection?
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
@shantara_perkins, I did but only because after 17 hours of labor, I wouldn’t dilate more than 3cm and baby was not getting enough oxygen. My epidural wore off early, I was having intense back labor with contractions lasting 3 times as long as normal contractions and they were overlapping each other. So I was getting no break between contractions with intense pain and no meds. When my dr gave me the option for c-section I jumped on it because I was so worried about my baby not getting enough oxygen for so long.
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
@shantara_perkins, but I ended up with a perfectly healthy baby girl. And since she was born neither she or I have had any issues with our blood sugar. The only thing I have to worry about now is once she gets pregnant, I have to remind her that she’s at higher risk of having GD because I had it when I was pregnant with her.
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
They didn’t do the three hour one. They just said i had gestational diabetes and they were going to send me to a high risk doctor
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Omg yes I failed it and had to do the 3 hour one it’s very common to fail it (this is what my obgyn told me) so don’t freak out
02.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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