Im not against abortion when the pregnancy was not plan or something happend but when i see a mother plan her pregnancy and does everything to get pregnant than wants to abort , thats just wrong 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
A homeless shelter might be able to help. If your case worker won’t get back to you, report them! Keep bothering them until you get some help. Some one at social services should be able to help you find a job also. They aren’t doing their jobs right to help. Keep reporting them.
Okay so I understand a lot of you are confused as to what happened I did plan this pregnancy and I am very happy to be pregnant but I am currently in a situation where I have no job and I’m losing my home and I’m not sure when or if I will be able to resolve either of those situations I don’t want to abort my child or give them up for adoption honestly but I don’t want to raise three children under 4 on the streets. I don’t have family fall back on so I’m scared. I just want what’s best. I’ve tried going to social services but I can’t get my case worker to call me back to at least tell me what options I have. I didn’t say or post or think this because I was having a bad day as some of you think it’s a really difficult decision and not one I can make lightly. I just don’t know where to go from here so glad to know so many of you are so hateful and judgmental you spite all of your hate without once asking why someone so excited to have another child would even consider not keeping them what on earth could have possibly happened that would push someone so far
I know opinions are just opinions but you are obviously here because you’re looking for guidance or just feel lost and need input.
I will tell you I’m completely against abortion. It breaks my heart knowing a baby, especially planned for, will be discarded like yesterday’s garbage.
I’m not here to judge you I’m just being honest with you from my point of view and offering up suggestions because I do care.
First, check your state laws.
Second, wait it out a few more days and sleep on it. Sometimes we can make permanent decisions on temporary feelings. And That’s not safe because the consequences are difficult to live with.
Third, don’t let a man or a friend convince you that life is better if you’re not tied down. It’s very hard being a mom, it’s hard raising kids as a single mom too, but it’s totally worth it all. You’re already a mom so you know exactly what I’m talking about. 😊
You know you have the strength to be a mother again it’s what moms do but dealing with abortion is uncertain.
Think it over long and hard. Don’t base it on a temporary relationship or temporary life situation because I promise you things always change. They don’t always stay the same.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think before you do it! I know 3 women that have had abortions and later regretted it. None of my business but just know that a rough patch you may be going through will end. There are brighter days ahead. If it’s because you’re financially stressed, there are plenty of pregnancy care centers that can help you. Best of luck, praying for you and your baby. 💗
Do what’s best for you, unnecessary opinions aren’t needed at this time. Only YOU know your reasoning behind it, everyone is different & everyone is not built the same. I wish you well on whatever decision you make. Inbox me if you want.
I think you should take time to think about it and sort it out before coming to your conclusion. If you were trying for a baby and was happy about it. What changed? Just think about it. I agree talk to planned parenthood they don't just do abortion they have lots of resources. Sorry you feel that way but id couldn't do that unless medically necessary but that's just me. I think in a rape situation id still keep it.
Oh girl I'm so sorry. I'm always here if you need to talk. I don't know what to say in this situation but to do what you think is best. You can message me anytime.
i believe in doing whats best for the childs future , so if you believe that you cannot care & take care of the baby to the best of your ability , then i completely agree with you . there are alot of children in the system & have been in the system for there whole life .. at least talk to somebody & do it while you have time : prayers to you baby ❤️
Well think why you don’t want to keep this pregnancy. Don’t do nothing rash if you’re just having a bad day. But if you do get an abortion I’d do it before 10 weeks so you can get the abortion pills and not go through surgical abortion.
Im not against abortion when the pregnancy was not plan or something happend but when i see a mother plan her pregnancy and does everything to get pregnant than wants to abort , thats just wrong 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️
@travis9347, girl look at your spelling and punctuation before you call anyone stupid. LOL sad to think you’re raising all those kids and you can’t even type a proper sentence.
Speak to your OB or your local planned parenthood. Whatever has brought you to this decision is no one’s business and it’s no one’s place to judge. Make the decision that is best for you, mama. Only you can do that.
I'm unaware of your state laws but I'd speak with your ob or try to go to Planned Parenthood to receive information. Although I'm unsure if PP is able to provide information rn.
Contact your local OB office or closest planned parenthood today. If that’s the option you feel is right for you, you should get it done sooner than later. Talk to your OB’s office though and see what assistance they offer. It’s not an easy decision to make but they should be able to lay out all the options for you and you can see what’s best for yourself and already established family. Good luck.
I would call your ob/gyn or your local planned parenthood and set up an appointment to discuss your options. I would like to extend my well wishes for whatever option you choose. It will be difficult no matter what but you know what is best for you and your family.