Been around town looking for little baby grow/vests in different sizes as have lots of newborn and 0-3 months, normally I would be quite sceptical of buying clothing items from poundland, but I brought 16 for £19.50 (a couple 0-3, loads of 3-6, 6-9 and a couple 9-12 months) for that price you can't really go wrong even if they don't wash well and I only get one "wear" out of it I am happy with that. I'm not a snobby Mum by any means but just didn't even think to look in to shops like that, don't know if this would be handy to any Mum's out there so thought I'd post. Lots of boy and girl options... x

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Where I live there is a Barnardos charity shop full of baby stuff. I got loads of stuff second hand from there. I washed and disinfected it all before he was born. They grow out of it all so quick! It almost a rush to try and get them to wear everything at least once when you buy lots 😂 x
29.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
We have one of those too!!! Omg some of the stuff you can get in there is unbelievable!!! I got a ted baker dress for Lola for £1.50!
29.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
I never buy designer for my kids! Especially babies. They grow too quick. My shopping go to is Primark, Asda, h&m and matalan.
But with my 3rd and 4th I've just reused their siblings clothes xx
29.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
All I’ve bought for this baby is 3 baby grows from next to take to the hospital. All my babies have had the same style baby grows for their firsts. Apart from that I haven’t bought a thing! A friend has given me loads and loads of clothes so I don’t need to! People go out and spend a fortune which is fine if you want to but you can save yourself so much money with cheap shops and second hand!
29.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yeah, I've been one of those Mums who have brought lots (probably much to the annoyance of my other half). But all his family are older, and we have no friends who have been pregnant or had a baby recently, my sisters haven't had babies yet so had nothing passed down to me so I've had to go out and purchase. I just never knew where to look first so went to all the expensive places to begin with, but I think Amazon, Ebay, George at Asda, TU at Sainsburys, Matalan and Poundland have actually probably been the best places for the stuff that I have brought. Which is crazy, I know this being my first I was always wanting someone to give me tips and advice on where to look but no one was able to as nobody had a baby for a little while, so just thought I'd post in case anyone was in the same boat. 😄 xx
29.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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