I never did. My mother worked with a guy who did, the wife smothered the baby. Wife Committed suicide a month or so later. That story has always stuck with me and why I chose not to.
My 7 year old shared a room with me until she was 5. Now it’s like pulling teeth to get her to sleep in her own room. She ends up on my floor every single night. My 20 month old’s crib is still in my room and she ends up sleeping on me in my bed for 1/2 the night. Not by choice. 😒 My husband hates the kids being in there though. I’m ready for my 20 month old to begin sleeping through the night so I can move her to her own room. It’ll be rough with 2 babies in the same room waking each other up so it needs to happen sooner than later but I don’t know how. 😭
My oldest sleeps with us but I didn’t let her until she was 1-1 1/2 and only started because hubby was away on a job for 2 months. Now getting her back to her bed is sooo hard. New baby will sleep in a bassinet by the bed until she outgrows it and then hopefully by that time they’ll both be in their own beds. I don’t think I could co-sleep with little baby. I wouldn’t get any sleep, too scared of rolling over on her or something.
I coslept and still kinda do. I did transition him to his own bed last month and he sleeps fine and loves his bed. However I'm just so lazy lately, I had Noah come sleep with me the last few nights, probably until baby is here ...but I kinda want to not cosleep again, but idk we will see haha
I like the idea of it, but can’t/won’t. Hubs is a professional sleeper and wouldn’t be a safe person to cosleep with. He sleeps incredibly deeply and wakes up for nothing. I’m an awful sleeper and deal with chronic pain, so I need my own space. A baby or toddler would keep me up all night.
We’ll have a bassinet in the room, but then once the kiddos are old enough for their own room/crib, that’s where they go. But we have a couch in the room with them so if they need extra attention at night, it’s comfy for everyone.
I’m currently co sleeping. when I was at my MIL’s house, I wouldn’t because we had enough space for a crib and that’s where she would sleep. But I’m back at my parents and it’s 3 in 1 room and no space for a crib 😭 she was great transitioning to the crib so I hope when we get our own place, it won’t be a problem 🤞🏻
I did with my first but I don't with Harper. I should have never. My son is 9 and won't get out my bed. My hubs don't really work on getting him out our bed because I work nights and they are attached. I really want my bed to myself and hubs. He will sleep and hubs brothers house but won't anywhere else because he's got to sleep with his daddy.
I’ve never bedshared with my babies and never will. I sleep in my son’s bed with him sometimes but usually only when he’s sick. I never bring him in our bed though.
I never did. My mother worked with a guy who did, the wife smothered the baby. Wife Committed suicide a month or so later. That story has always stuck with me and why I chose not to.
I coslept with my son since he was brought home from the hospital, and still do 😭. He's 3 now. I'm ready for him to Sleep in his bed now but he won't 😒
I co slept with my oldest...My middle child has slept in his crib from the time he came home and my youngest we swore wasn’t going to sleep with us but he does sometimes. Read an arrival on fb and it scared the hell out of me
I co sleep with both of my daughters currently. Was seriously hoping not to co sleep with the new babe but shit I’m tired lmao. Soon though I’m gonna transition her to her own bed (the littlest one) 🤞🏼