I have an extremely bad clogged milk duct. Went to emergency and they said there was nothing they could do!! I’m over her crying in pain! Does anyone know what I can do to relieve the pain??
Take a hot shower and massage the nipple outward to try to clear the clog. Or fill a diaper with hot water and put against your boob for several minutes before latching baby. You could also try letting your husband suck if your baby isn’t sucking hard enough. Worked for me! Also go to a vitamin store and get soy lecithin pills and take 2 pills 2x a day until relieved. That helped me.
In a way yes, she said I didn’t have a fever and that I wasn’t red so instead of giving me antibiotics they said for me to continue doing what I’ve been doing. But if I feel worse call to Kiaser OB department.