So my boyfriend has two kids. Obviously I love for them and care about them as if they were my own. Their mother is ridiculous. She really cares more about her boyfriend then them. He has a felon drug charge against him...his on she's paying all his fines for him. She canceled a Wisconsin dells trip for her son so she can help pay all this for him. I'm livid. The only one who's gunna hurt in this is those two little angels. As soon as I get my money right I'm doing something nice for all of them. They have been in between this all for too long.

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Step parents need to take notes 🥰🥰🥰 stay being a good one!
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
To them I am just "Brooke" someone who isn't their mother but loves them like her own. When we are together I treat them no different then my own son. I'm not mom I'm not trying to replace their mommy because I never can. I know my place. But I love them and would do anything for them just as a mother would. Breaks my heart to see them go through what they've been going through. I'm taking them to the park with their father today and I'm am genuinely the happiest woman alive. I've missed them so much
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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