So I had my baby two months ago, it ended up being a c-section after being induced but unable to dilate. After my 6 week appointment, my SO and I got approved for intercourse by my doctor, he just suggested I use lube. When we did have sex, it seemed normal, but was SUPER painful when he tried to pull out. I thought it was weird, but the next day we tried again and it was painful going in and coming out so I called it quits. I got my period this month, but even a regular tampon was really painful coming out. Has anyone else experienced this type of discomfort? I made an appointment to see my doctor, but I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this.

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@mama-ev when I had my c section (emergency as well) and I got the ok to have sex. The first few times we did it was very painful. I made sure he went slow and easy. If you don't do it to get the feeling back, the worse it will feel . For my period I can't say I had pain because I nursed so I didn't get my first period until 8-9 months later. So I was able to use a tampon. The lube helps wonders but we use the jelly non scented flavor ky kind an it works amazing. It helped as to going in and back out. We tried different positions until we found one that worked until I was used to it and it didn't hurt as bad.
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Honestly I don't know how anyone is having sex at 6 weeks pp. After every one of mine 2 csections and one vaginal it hurt way to bad near that time.
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Totally agree!! I waited months! Til about 4 months with vaginal delivery and about 5 months with my csection and even then I cried because it hurt so bad.
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
@ddsr i see people doing it like 3 weeks after and I'm like how the hell! Felt like a dang knife stabbing me after my vaginal delivery when i tried at 6 weeks 😂. Maybe their men have small 🍆
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Happened to me also. I was in labor 24 hours and did dilate to 9.5 but i was swelling so bad and baby wouldn't drop so i had a csection. At my 6 week she gave my a tampon because my IUD made me bleed and it hurt just to have it in. Being in labor you still have to heal down there. I didn't try sex until later because of that. But even when i did it took awhile for it to feel normal again.
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
How long did you end up waiting? Was time the only thing that helped?
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mama-ev i honestly don't remember, maybe 8 weeks. And yes just time. Probably another couple months to feel normal.
23.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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