My daughter has been drooling and chewing on everything since 2 months but it doesn’t necessarily mean teething. That’s just what babies do. She’s 6 months now and still has no teeth. I never knew when my son was teething.
Both my kids started at 2months. Drooling alot,bitting on everything and they both had teeth by 4months. I also got the amber teething necklace for both and it helped alot and still does with my son
Mine started at 2 months (every baby is different). My son started drooling and gripping down and biting everything in site but we got an amber teething necklace and all that stopped. He’s 2 years old now and still wears it everyday. He has teeth coming in left and right and we never even knew he was teething. That’s how great the necklace works. I highly recommend it if you’re Baby is teething