Oh wow that’s too cute!! When did you find out you were having multiples? Everyone keeps Joking with me that I’m having twins, first ultrasounds on Thursday lmao
Discovered twins at my very first ultrasound and then I’d have to look in my journal but found out about my third precious angel at somewhere between 13 and 15 weeks. He or she was tucked away and we couldn’t see them for a while! (I’m so tired, excuse my forgetfulness)
Super curious! Do you know if your having mono/di/or tri triplets? I would imagine you definitely know by now I’m just curious as I have delivered 2 sets of triplets so far in my career and neither mother qualified for a vaginal delivery. How exciting!
@lilllllllllyyyyyyyyy I'm amazed you found a doc who supports a vbac with triplets. They're hard to find in singletons, let alone a high risk pregnancy.
I'm assuming there's a great NICU in the event of an emergency... what level is it? I started at a 1b with my 23 weeker.
@laniejay, Every single time I have an appointment, which is so often I feel like I live there, we discuss my birth route over and over. I mean, I’m realistic, and I’m extremely cautious. I could walk in there tomorrow and be told I have to have a c-section. I won’t be heartbroken or anything. It is what it is and at the end of the day you do what’s best for your precious little ones.
I’m SO blessed to live near a killer hospital with a high risk L&D setup and staff + NICU. lots of people travel and get moved here just because of their level III NICU.
I love following up with you to see if you had the babies yet💕 I keep my fingers crossed you’ll make it as far as possible with them and I’d say you’ve done a wonderful job of that so far☺️💪🏽
Wow 3!!! That’s crazy. How are u feeling? How long are they going to let u go with the pregnancy? I couldn’t imagine 3 Babies in my belly. So cool for someone else haha!!
I feel big, but excited! 😂 The plan as of right now is 34 weeks, but its best if we could stretch it to 36! I’m seeing my OB so often and we always alter the plan in some way every time we talk
I just have to say, i am so jealous lol. I know thats a silly thing to say considering id say youre not that comfortable lol, but i want a multiple pregnancy so bad and i have no idea why 😂😂