Had baby boys 4 month check up and I feel so disappointed in myself told me little man isn’t gaining weight the way he should be.. he is dropping in the percent tile of where he should be and suggested I supplement with a little formula..that broke my heart.. I was so proud I was just breast feeding and thought baby boy was gaining weight..this made me feel like I’m failing as a mothers I talked to my children’s farther.. and right away he blames me I’m not doing enough and said so just stop breast feeding him and give formula..he is of no support and didn’t even try to understand how that would make me feel.. and he wonders why I say he doesn’t support me how I need and it’s one of the reason we are not together..right away he hears the word support and says he pays for everything and I have it good and if i don’t like how he supports me go to a shelter.. I just feel so defeated

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I'm srry that your baby father is such a piece of sciet I wish that you find someone that will fit you and your needs take care
16.03.2022 Нравится Ответить
My first was failure to thrive. When he hit 9lbs he plateaued for over 30 days. His pediatrician sent me to a lactation consultant. Between the two of them we found out that my milk was super low in fat content and my son had severe reflux. After starting my son on medication and eating different foods he gained an ounce in two weeks (not good). So they both insisted that I either pump 4oz and continue to breast feed or supplement 4oz of enfamil’s breastfeeding supplement formula at least 1-2 times per day.
I did not respond to the pump well at all 1/2 ounce was all I could get per session, and I tried every trick even had the lactation consultant help nothing changed.
So long story short with my son at below the 1st % in both height and weight at that point I supplemented formula 1x before bed every night for 2 weeks, at that check in he had gained 4oz!! He was still tiny and stayed below the charts until his first birthday. At his 1 year old appointment he finally reached 1% for height and weight!! The pediatrician literally cheered! By 18 months he was at 30’s for weight and 50’s for height. At his 4 year check in he was in the 80’s for height and weight. He is a slim, tall boy and has no real fat on him.
You are not alone mama! Many moms go through similar struggles but just don’t feel comfortable talking about it. I share my story because it’s important that women know that it’s okay. Do whatever you need to help your baby grow. If you choose to change your diet and that works, awesome! If you supplement extra feedings of breast milk awesome! If you supplement formula and continue breastfeeding awesome. If you decide to quit breastfeeding and use only formula awesome! As long as you little one is growing (no matter what rate) do what you think is best (as long as it’s safe).
Good luck mama!!
15.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you so much for sharing this with me.. it does make me feel a little better that I’m not the only one experiencing it even though that’s how it feels at the moment. I’m going to change up my diet see how to make my milk fattier for him and try to breast feed as long as I can.. i know my milk has it’s up days and down days.. and seems I always have him on the breast and nothing left to pump so I stopped pumping.. again thank you for your kind words 🙏🏻
15.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies for your words of encouragement..I’m looking into boosting the fat in my milk and what ever I pump adding a little cereal to make him fuller. I refuse to do formula as I have worked so hard and put so much determination into just breastfeeding..
15.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
I was in your shoes! I agree with making the milk fattier and just feeding more often. Some babies just go through leaps at different rates than others. I refused to supplement but I did pump and give a bottle in case that was the issue. My bubs was a slow gainer but he got there, yours will too!
14.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m sorry your child’s father isn’t being supportive. Look into ways to make your milk fattier. There are ways to change your diet in order to raise the calories in your milk. If breastfeeding is something you really feel strongly about, do a little bit of research and don’t give up! Breastfeeding is hard. You’re not a bad mother or failing. There’s just a learning curve. You can do it!!! Don’t give up!
14.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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