My deepest sympathies. I understand all too well. I miscarried at 7 weeks and that was about 6 months ago. It’s never planned. It was my first pregnancy and I cannot tell you the emotional connection I had...even though everyone wanted to tell me to “get over it. “ Losing my pregnancy was like losing a piece of my soul. I understand the pain. I’m truly sorry. If there is any hope for your baby then I wish you and baby all the best.
Thank you very much. I’ve gone through a miscarriage before and I have a son that is about to be 8 months old now but it still doesn’t take away the pain. It’s either going to end in a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy and either way my baby won’t make it because it’s not a normal pregnancy. I’m so sorry for your loss too, losing a child, no matter how far along you are is always painful.