When did your babes start teething? And when did their teeth first pop out? Did your baby cry from pain or have any discomfort? Did you use any products?
Amira has been drooling with puffy gums since about mid Jan. She doesn't seem to have any discomfort or anything yet and no fevers
My boys started teething around 3 months, my oldest popped out a tooth at 8 months. We used Tylenol and Motrin. We used orajel before I knew you weren’t supposed to use it. I also used Dr.Hylands tiny teething tablets. I’ll use the same stuff my this babe except the orajel. My youngest chews on his fists from the time he wakes up until he’s asleep. And he chews on my nipples 😬 good luck mamma 💕
@mariahpeterson, I think it messes with their breathing. You might have to put the syringe towards the back of the check. It makes the swallow. Use a suppository if shes backer up, try bicycle kicks tummy massage then suppository. If she’s breastfed it could be up to 1 week before she poops. Good luck mamma