I am starting to freak out a little. This is my 5th kid (22 weeks pregnant) and I have gained 33 lbs already. With the others I gained about 30 full term. Before I got pregnant this time I had just lost 45 lbs so I think that is a factor but I'm scared I'll never get it off.

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I've been pretty lazy lately because I have had the worst cramps of my life for the last 10-15 weeks. My ob said its because I had lost so much weight and everything tensed back up that now it's all trying to stretch back out. It SUCKS!!
They are all in school all day during the week because my youngest is 7. This one was a shock to say the least.
01.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
I think with all the running around you’ll be doing you’ll be just fine, just make sure you stay active during your pregnancy (which I’m sure you are being a mother already)
01.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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