Spent 8 hours in the hospital on Sunday and have been diagnosed with hyperemesis AGAIN. 😭 Same timing as my last pregnancy and struggling full force with constant vomiting and can’t keep anything down. I was Rxed Zofran again (which is a total lifesaver), though I do get nervous about taking it this early on (9 wks today). I also found out while I was in the hospital I have a UTI which the doc mentioned can cause miscarriage so I’m super anxious for my ultrasound tomorrow at my fertility clinic to confirm baby is ok. 🙏🏻

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I needed Zofran for my pregnancies also. I didn't start too early the first time, but with the twins, I had to start at about 8 weeks. I was worried, but really needed it. Babies are perfectly healthy.
28.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I asked the doctor at my fertility clinic today. He said it’s better to take zofran everyday than have the risks of electrolyte deficiencies and being super dehydrated. I still struggle with it but I know it makes a massive difference.
01.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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