Darby Delphin
Darby Delphin
This is my second pregnancy & I haven’t felt a lot of movement. I had a cesarean with my first son, and wondered if that had something to do with it. I can feel movements occasionally, but nothing like with my boy. Has anyone else experienced this after a cesarean?

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This is my 2nd and I haven't really felt anything, my doctor said it's because my placenta is in the front, so maybe that's why!
27.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I felt little flutters arou d 17 weeks. I didn't start feeling actual movements until a little after 20 weeks. Well when they were a lot stronger. This will be my second c section. It really depends on how much room is in there for the baby and the size.
27.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
This will be my 3rd c-section. I don’t ever really feel movements until around my 5-6mo. Not sure if it has to do with having had c-sections. I think they come with some slight numbing sometimes, I have a 1/4in” of numbing on my scar, could be why. It could also be the size of the baby & the amount of room it has to move in. I didn’t feel my first baby until my 6th mo & that’s before delivering her via c-section.
27.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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