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Hey ladies . Baby is 3 weeks old now and I’m expressing for an hour and getting two oz which isn’t enough for me to leave her as she wants more after the 2 . I have a day coming up in a few weeks where I’m going to have to leave her for about 6 hours so need a lot more it’s stressing me out I really don’t want to put her on powder for the day as we have done so well and don’t want her to then not take my milk or corse her upset tummy . Suggestions/ tips please 😩

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I know it’s a lot easier said than done but do try and relax a bit about it. I know I was getting all worked up and anxious when I was having no luck and when I took myself upstairs myself with my daughter for some bonding with no stress around me I did have a little more success.
I don’t know if it’s possible but I also got my mum to take my daughter along to the wedding and I nipped off during the drinks reception and fed her so that helped loads aswell because I still have to “pump and dump” later after the meal. It broke my heart, seemed such a waste 😂 x
27.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I was in a very similar situation back when my daughter was a similar age and we had a wedding. For the whole year I breastfed I had very little luck with expressing however I used a silicone breast pump which you have on the opposite side when your feeding and it collects your “let down”. This was an absolute life saver for me and I was sometimes getting a couple of oz each feed.
There are loads out there but this is the one I used.
27.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
That’s what we have a wedding and I’m bridesmaid so I really need to have milk ready! I have one of these ! But I get like half an oz one of my boobs is rubbish 😩 so only the one that’s much good xxx
27.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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