Michelle Williams
Michelle Williams
How do you discipline a two year old for.. being aggressive and shoving kids for no reason, throwing cars,screaming when mad and hitting? My son is so close to getting kicked out of his sitters he’s a smart kid but isn’t getting this. I really need help I’m beating myself up over this.

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When my daughter went through a phase of throwing things, I’d hold her hands and calmly explain why she can’t do that. I’d reinforce “nice hands” or “nice words” when she was having a tantrum. I’d also put her in timeout. I’d have to sit with her to make sure she stayed there and I’d talk to her about why she was in timeout. After, we would hug and apologize.
26.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you tonight went great but he’s always great when it’s just him and I, I appreciate all the advice I’ll try these things
26.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@michellenicole4, I know it’s frustrating and definitely hard to stay calm when all you want to do is scream just as loud if not louder than him. I’ve been there! It’s so easy to lose your cool and raise your voice. He’ll learn how to handle these big emotions with your help. Just be patient and consistent! Good luck.
26.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I noticed my daughter does it because she can’t talk that well and she gets frustrated when I don’t understand what she’s saying or wants
25.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
When my son was doing that it's because he was getting upset because he couldn't talk that well and he was taken him anger out. But come to find out he had sensory processing disorder and speech delay.
25.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Ok thank you I’m calling pediatrician tomorrow seeing if they have any ideas he talks really well and is very smart we have let him get away with too much to avoid the screaming that it’s got out of hand we need to back track it’s just overwhelming when he’s a only kid
25.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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