Are there any other moms on here that have a child with autism? I’d love to connect ❤️ Here’s some pictures of my handsome being a gentleman at the store the other day 😍 He has High Functioning Autism and a moderate speech delay.
My son is :) He is 13 also high functioning. Your boy reminds me of my son at the store, always wearing a hoodie with the hood over his head. I think its a security thing.. So sweet!
My 3 year old daughter is on the spectrum and I also have a 5 year old nephew whom i watch 3 days a week that is also autistic.
You can feel free to message me anytime and I will invite you to the asd moms chat group that I belong to.
@shamrockjemm you're so welcome. I completely understand what you mean.
Does anyone else in your family have an autistic child or are autistic themselves?
@cams, in my state I can get frosted mini wheats as part of my cereal choice. I think she knew it was WIC because I had three boxes of WIC approved cereals in my cart 😂