Okay ladies i need some advice. My baby has a sunken Fontanel for a few days now but she’s not dehydrated I feed her every 3 hours sometimes less and she has not fallen or had an accident. What do I do? She has been more fussy than normal and some days she has a slight fever. I’m just worried

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Hm, definitely call your doctor. Many offices have nurses on call to speak with before making an appt.
21.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
What has the doctor said?
21.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Hmm I don’t have really good advice but maybe call the doctor??

My daughter had this and *I advice against this* everything you’re describing my daughter had but she also had diarrhea and this was happening at like 4 months. My mom noticed that it was sunken in so she called my aunt who’s a nurse. My aunt came over (I was sleeping and my mom wanted to watch her) and she held my baby upside down and slapped her feet (like you do to a jar of ketchup) and my baby was screaming, I got up SO fast to go grab her and I saw her upside down and I snatched her from my aunt and said to never touch my baby again. I was pissed! My mom doesn’t talk to my aunt anymore, my mom thought she was gonna actually help but after it like sank in to her, she got pissed. And I wanted to cry 😩
21.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Oh my goodness! Good for you for grabbing her back. Wow I’d be livid!
21.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@boymama523, thank you! I was so pissed and I yelled at my mom and she was crying cause she didn’t know she was gonna do that. I’m just glad my mom cut her out of her life after this (she did more things after this to my mom, so my mom called it quits)
21.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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