Keanna Alexander
Keanna Alexander
I’m a military spouse now so I don’t know anyone so everytime I see another mom I think oh we can be friends... WRONG.

Bodhi has been able to hold his up since day 1 so at two months he started sitting in seats.

I went to a dinner with my husband and there was a mom with a baby about Bodhis age. I asked her how old her baby was because he was smaller then Bodhi and she said 6 months I was like dang Bodhi it must be because you have a big head.

She said “yeah I was thinking he a had a big head”

Ummm excuse me only I can say that😂.

He only has a big head because it’s well developed and doesn’t looks like a football 😐

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My family still calls my son fat because everyone else in my family always has tiny babies, but I feel like my son isn’t gaining enough. 😂
20.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I never thought I’d be offended lol... but this my baby only I can roast on him. 😂
20.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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