Hey ladies, I'm thinking about getting my tubes tied after this bundle of joy. I talked with my doctor today and what they can do now is remove your tubes completely. Has anyone done this? If so how was your experience? And did you have any side effects?

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I don’t have it but if I didn’t research I would probably had it done. All my ob and MFM don’t like this procedure simply because it can cause problems with your hormones. I’ve heard from someone who had it done that their menopause came a few years later and they’re still in their 30s.
20.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thanks, yeah I've been doing some research it say menopause can start immediately after.
20.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I had mine done in December. My recovery wasn’t too bad, super sore for a few days then it lightened up & lasted about wk or so. I’ve had 2 periods, my 3rd is due this wk. I experience a lot of ovulation & period cramping & 3/4 days of bleeding on my period.
I just regret it as I have baby fever so bad lol. But my husband & I agreed no more babies as we have two (a daughter & a son) so it’s probably a good thing I did get them tied or I’d be pregnant lol.
Also I was having bad experiences with the iud & pill so that was another reason for a tubal.
19.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
This is/will be my last baby but after reading reviews and speaking with my Dr, I decided against getting my tubes tied. My periods were super heavy before I got pregnant and a tubal can and has worsened then for many women. I'll get an IUD inserted the day of my section and the FDA has just approved it for 7 years.
19.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Omg I was thinking about getting an iud as well ! But heard so many bad things about it :( can you make updates once you have it please ?!:/
19.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@dayanaavila17 of course. I'll have it in March 20th as long as there's no swelling or too much scar tissue. Or could be sooner if babygirl decides she wants out before then. Lol. Im getting the liletta IUD.
19.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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