I took a look at my healing progress yesterday ... Even a month after childbirth my junk looks wrecked, the stitches haven't dissolved and it huuurts :(
Take a warm bath with nothing in the water to help heal you, and dissolve the stitches. I had a 3rd degree tear. I’ve been there. It does get better over time.
Bathroom hurt till I was 4mspp. Sex hurt about the same and we had to be creative. Sitting upright, well, I took pads put of a sports bra and inserted ice bags and sat that while sitting down so I could tolerate it. Smash the ice obviously! Lol
I did too and I'm promising you it gets better. I'll never have more kids because of the healing process. I know it hurts and is uncomfortable. I wouldnt lie to you; it does heal! You know your body better than anyone else and if you feel it's not healing, then see your doctor.
Use those moistening pads! They're like witch hazel but safe for down there Haha. I promise it doesnt look as bad as you think. Here if you need anything!