I have a quick question. I did an IVF cycle to conceive my son. His cycle all 6 made day 3, 4 made day 5. I transferred 1, in 7/2014 blighted ovum, then a little over a year later i had a early chemical with FET. Then I did back to back and conceived my son. I transferred my last embryo last May and was BFN. I did another cycle and was suppose to transfer 11/10 but nothing made blast day 5 (2 were growing and one made blast on day 6 and still frozen). I did a hysteroscopy and found scar tissue. A few weeks ago i had it checked expecting the clear and it regrew and removed again. I’m debating if it is even worth it. I think it is a 4BB?. Also found out in order to transfer it will be $3500 more that I have to pay compared to if I had just transferred fresh.