Has any one ever chosen to deny the glucose test while pregnant (drink and home pricking) ? How did you have the discussion with your doctor?
*I'm aware of the risks of choosing this so answers to my question only please*
I had hypoglycemia still with my son and almost passed out by the time I got food after and it had only been 1.5 hours since I had breakfast, I want to deny it this time if I know I'm still hypoglycemic like last time. It would just be pointless blood work and I hate needles, I'd like to skip if possible.
You shouldn't have to do any at home pricking unless you have GD. Normally you go to the lab, drink the glucose and get one blood draw. I would personally rather be safe than sorry. It sucks but we do what we have to do for our little ones.
I almost didn’t, I put it off until 35 weeks with my son. I still haven’t done it this time and I probably will opt out. I know it’s routine in American prenatal care due to the obesity and diabetes rates here, but many countries don’t do it unless the family has a history with GD or regular diabetes and their birth rates are better than ours. No one in my family has diabetes and no one has had GD so I don’t see a reason to drink that stuff.
I didn’t know you was aloud to do that because even when I was farther along when I went to the dr she still made me take the testing as I thought I didn’t have to because I was past the weeks that you’re supposed to have the testing done at
Yes I did ! I didn’t want to drink that nasty stuff nor did I feel it’s healthy to drink that much sugar will pregnant . So my dr allowed me to act as if I have diabetes and test my blood sugar 4 times. Aday fir 2 weeks stop a week and than do it again turn out I had gd and I had to test my blood sugar 4 times a day and take Insulin. I stand behind my decision to not drink that toxic stuff ... I’ll do it again for my next pregnancy
@jasmine.smith91, to each there own ... I ate a very healthy diet when I was pregnant no fast food mostly organic bc I feel a growing fetus need good nutrition... that’s why I didn’t do the glucose drink it’s super unhealthy