Do any of you moms have children who were diagnosed with diabetes? My daughter hasn’t been, but I’m having her blood tested at her 2 year visit because she has been saying she is tired and asking for water more frequently than normal. I’m so nervous they are going to say she has it, I don’t know much about diabetes but just wanted to see if anyone has had any similar experiences.

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I've had type 1 for 19 years, I'm keeping my fingers crossed yours doesnt have it, I hope mine doesnt when she gets older either, its absolutely miserable
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
How did you find out you had it? And what’s the difference between type 1 & 2?
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@babyking1 I kept drinking a lot of water and going to the bathroom and my mom told me to stop and I didnt drink anything but i kept urinating, and they took me to cooks children hospital did a bunch of testing and I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and type 1 is where your pancreas doesnt produce enough insulin to break down the carbs and sugars etc type 2 is where your body produces to much sugar and thats what causes weight gain along with heart problems etc that's why with type 2 you gotta watch what you eat along with type 1 but not everyone listens to that part lol
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
My oldest son is type 1
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@babyking1, yeah actually yesterday was 4 years since he was diagnosed and we spent a week in ICU. It was very scary but I’m glad we figured it out. I know a few kids diagnosed between 2-4 years so it is possible but don’t worry too much. Just make her an appointment and you can have it checked!
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@supermomof4, yes at her 2 year visit next week I would like them to write her a script to test her blood. Trying not to worry but still so nervous. Thanks so much for ur help.
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
@babyking1, no problem!
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Aww. It’s such a scary thing. I’m hoping and praying she doesn’t have it. She hasn’t been bed wetting but definitely asking for water too often in my opinion.
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
I have a friend whose son has Type 1. He's in 2nd grade, but wasn't even in school yet when he was diagnosed. She said that he had frequent bedwetting all the time and she was told that is a sign of it. He now has an insulin pump on his arm
07.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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