*picture for attention* ☺😅
So I got an epidural when I was in labor with my daughter. The anesthesiologist had to poke me like 5 times with the needle to get it in the right spot because my contractions were so close together I kept tensing up. I ended up having a spinal headache which was worse than labor itself almost. I'm thinking about trying for another baby soon. I'm wondering if since I had a spinal headache last time my chances of getting another one if I get another epidural are higher? Like I don't think I can go through labor without an epidural but that spinal headache was hell. It lasted for days after I got a blood patch that failed.
My first I was hard to place but no issues. With my second I had some spinal fluid leak and had to go back to have a blood patch done in the hospital the day after I was released. 3rd baby, epidural was still rough (because of my scoliosis) but no issues other than trouble with placement.
I had this happen too but never got the epidural. Babys HR kept plummeting. I ended up having intrathecal- numbs you from the waist down.
Do you know if you were in transition when they were trying to give you the epidural?? Bc I strongly suggest if you made it that far, to consider asking for intrathecal or even just taking it one contraction at a time. With my second I wanted the epi and was crying for it but I was too far along when I was admitted and gave birth naturally. I don’t remember the pain at all and healing was way easier than my first.
@havensmommy1, yeah I seriously believe you can do it without then. Your first you had no idea what to expect. I took some time to really read and study the labor section of “what to expect when you’re expecting” and even talked w my husband about it. I kid you not, I was way more prepared the second time around.
BUT I did freak out when I got to the hospital w my second. My nurse kept promising I’d get the epi- was actually the same nurse I had w my first DD 😂. I was like “are you sure you can make that promise??!😧”
I barely got an IV before she came. And the whole time I was like “SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT DO I DO?! WHAT DO I DO?!” When she was crowning 😂😂😂 so dramatic.
@phoebesmommy I feel like that's gonna be me my second time around 😂 I wanted to do it without the epidural that first time too but then just lost it at the end lol