I changed my daughters milk from sma comfort to sma lactose free due to her always bieng unsettled ever since we brought her home from hospital really and her always having green poo and all the symptoms she had except she always puts on wieght and she is never sick, been Docters several times and just gave me lactose to help her poo and then Cosmo something and ranitidine for silent reflux which none of these helped so stopped given them and I’ve changed milk she is definitely much better but now she is constipated and screaming in pain, does this mean she is not lactose intolerance or is this just cas a change of milk it’s only been 12 days since the change of milk, I have an appointment to see a dietician on the 26th of feb I have seen a peadetrician but she said nothing adds up that’s it basically
Babies can struggle and be constipated when milk changes. My LO was constipated til he was about 4 months, HV said the ready made cartons are good as they've already gone through a process to break some of the enzymes down so tummys don't have to
Well I have another like month till that appointment to find out, I don’t want to be giving her stuff she doesn’t need which I obv have been since she has been born she is much better since changed milk she is just really constipated also don’t think she likes the milk a great lot and she don’t sleep in no more either, thanks for ya help hopfully it’s just while the milk is changing xx
It can take their tummy a little while to get used to the new milk, however it might no be lactose that she has a problem with, it could be cows milk protein which is the protein in the milk not the sugar :/ I hope you get it sorted with the dietician hunnie. I personally have a cows milk protein intolerance and my little girl had it until she was nearly 2 :/ so they can grow out of it, I unfortunately grew into mine :/ xx