Brittany F
Currently failing at this no nap thing... she won’t sleep through the night and usually has a hard time falling asleep but she just can’t stay awake all day! I don’t know what to do 🤷‍♀️she clearly still needs a daytime nap...😴 any insight? Also I was in the middle of working but I’ll take a break for snuggles 😊❤️
5.2 лет

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Start getting her up early, starting the day early, getting her into an early nap schedule and see if that helps?
To make sure my son goes to bed on time we have a regimented schedule we follow every day. We get him up for 7, breakfast, playtime, nap before lunch for a few hours, feed him lunch, play allll day long and then at 6 he has his shower and by 7:30-8 he’s ready for bed and sleeps the night

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Start getting her up early, starting the day early, getting her into an early nap schedule and see if that helps?
To make sure my son goes to bed on time we have a regimented schedule we follow every day. We get him up for 7, breakfast, playtime, nap before lunch for a few hours, feed him lunch, play allll day long and then at 6 he has his shower and by 7:30-8 he’s ready for bed and sleeps the night

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She doesn’t ever sleep past 7 lol the only way she’ll take a nap is if I drive her around... (she comes to work with me every day) she refuses to lay down to nap... I’ve been trying to get her in bed by 8:00 because I know her sleep is worse the later her bedtime is.

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@addysmama81715, ugh that’s awful. I’m sorry and good luck

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@badgirlnextdoor, lol thanks

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Maybe try having her take earlier and shorter naps! I wouldn't let her sleep more than 30 minutes to an hour and try to get her down as early in the afternoon as possible. You aren't failing at naps. It's hard to get a good schedule sometimes!

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Yeah, when she falls asleep like this I don’t let her sleep too long lol. Like I said to the op, the only way she takes an intentional nap is if I drive her around (I know, it’s horrible)

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@addysmama81715 Maybe quiet time would be a good option for her. Just having her sit with 1-2 books, a nice blanket and possibly a drink that relaxes her. It may encourage her to lay down. Or at least give her that break she's needing. You'll get there with her. 😊

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@madhatter, yeah, I’ll give that a try, I’ve read about that instead of nap time. We will see how it works on her. I’m definitely enjoying the snuggles right now though lol

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