Does anybody have experience with their LO's having acid reflux? My babygirl is 2 1/2 mos old and she has had tummy issues ever since she came home from the hospital. She was 6 weeks early and was in the NICU for 3 weeks and didnt seem to have a problem at all there. Once she got home and was switched on powdered formula it all startes. Her little belly is so full of gas no matter what i do to help..i mean we have tried gripe water, probiotics, the windis, gas drops, tons of burping... Her Dr finally gave her medicine for acid reflux and switched her formula which has helped a little, & its only been a week of that so hopefully it will help eventually.

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my son also has reflux. his doctor prescribed him Zantac. but it didn't seem to help. He was on Gerber gentle & we switched him to Gerber soy, after switching he got really constipated so we started doing 2oz of formula & 1oz of prune juice & that helps him so much. Every once in a while he gets fussy, the kind where it hurts him to eat and refuses to eat, when that happens we give him gripe water. We use colic calm &it works wonders. We also changed his bottles to dr. Browns & he eats so much better.
27.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Does she have a dairy allergy? My daughter was thought to have acid reflux since when we left the hospital. We tried medicine and switching formulas. Turns out she was allergic to dairy and we didn't know until she was 9 months old
27.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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