💍 Marriages: 1
💔 Divorces: 0
👶 Kids: 3
👦 Brothers: 1
👧 Sisters: 2
🐦 Pets right now: 1 cat 1 dog
👩🏼⚕️ Surgeries: 1
✒ Tattoos: 1
✋🏼 Quit a job: Yes
🌴 Been to an island: no
🚘 What do you drive: Toyota Camery
✈️ Flown on a plane: no
❤ Fallen in love: Once
🚑 Rode in an ambulance: yes
🎤 Sang karaoke: Yes
⛸ Ice skating: Yes
🚢 Been on a cruise: No
🏍 Rode a motorcycle: yes grew up riding them with my dad and papa
🏍 Owned a motorcycle: No
🐴 Rode on a horse: Yes
🏥 Stayed in a hospital: Yes
🍓 Favorite fruit: Watermellon
🌓 Favorite day: Saturday
🌈 Favorite color: Lavender Purple
📱Last phone call: My Boo
☕️ Coffee or tea: both
🥧 Favorite pie: Apple Cinnamon
🍕Favorite pizza: Pepperoni bacon thin crust
🐱 Cat or dog:both
☃️ Favorite season: Winter fall and spring
Clean copy in comments
💔 Divorces:
👶 Kids:
👦 Brothers:
👧 Sisters:
🐦 Pets right now:
👩🏼⚕️ Surgeries:
✒ Tattoos:
✋🏼 Quit a job:
🌴 Been to an island:
🚘 What do you drive:
✈️ Flown on a plane:
❤ Fallen in love:
🚑 Rode in an ambulance:
🎤 Sang karaoke:
⛸ Ice skating:
🚢 Been on a cruise:
🏍 Rode a motorcycle:
🏍 Owned a motorcycle:
🐴 Rode on a horse:
🏥 Stayed in a hospital:
🍓 Favorite fruit:
🌓 Favorite day:
🌈 Favorite color:
📱Last phone call:
☕️ Coffee or tea:
🥧 Favorite pie:
🍕Favorite pizza:
🐱 Cat or dog:
☃️ Favorite season: