Everyone please play. I want to see your answers! P.S. I love reading these. I find out something new about my friends every time. 🤗

💍 Marriages: 1 (getting remarried to same person)
💔 Divorces: 1
👶 Kids: 4 (5 in July)
👦 Brothers: 2 (1/2 brothers)
👧 Sisters: 2 (1 1/2 sister 1 step sister)
🐦 Pets right now: 1 puppy next week
👩🏼‍⚕️ Surgeries: gallbladder removed 16 weeks pregnant woth #4
✒ Tattoos: 12
✋🏼 Quit a job: yes
🌴 Been to an island: no
🚘 What do you drive: 2018 Chevrolet Cruze
✈️ Flown on a plane: yes
❤ Fallen in love: yes,a couple of times.
🚑 Rode in an ambulance: no
🎤 Sang karaoke: no
⛸ Ice skating: yes but I spent most of it on my ass
🚢 Been on a cruise: no
🏍 Rode a motorcycle: yes
🏍 Owned a motorcycle: no
🐴 Rode on a horse: no
🏥 Stayed in a hospital: yes
🍓 Favorite fruit: banana
🌓 Favorite day: Friday(pay day)
🌈 Favorite color: purple
📱Last phone call: my husband
☕️ Coffee or tea: tea
🥧 Favorite pie: none
🍕Favorite pizza: bacon and meatballs
🐱 Cat or dog: dog
☃️ Favorite season: spring

Hold your finger down and select copy. Then go into your own status, paste, and change your answers!

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