@cherylmonae , I had even more with my girls! Cravings, overly hormonal, and morning sickness very early on... Well I have evening sickness with my baby. I don't really "feel pregnant" right now to be honest. I hope it's a boy this time lol! Congrats to you mama!
@cherylmonae, yes honey! All this man makes is girls. He has two teen girls and we have two small girls so this would be a long shot. Our girls almost share a bday and we would've had one before our oldest that was due the same week so I'm like well this is a new season for us so maybe this is a boy lol!! But if not, I'll loooooooove my baby girl and I'm done trying for a boy lol! I'll have 3 kids under 5 yrs old and I got started 3 mos before I turned 28 yrs old and I'm not even 32 yet lol!! Girl I'm tired AF!!