As long as you dilate during induction you don’t. They have more than one way to try. You still have a few weeks, you might be one that just starts to dilate at 40 over a quick amount of time.
@rileysmomma913, you might not! You could be 0cm and then baby decides to come at 39 weeks and you jump from a 0 to a 4 in an hour. Everyone’s body is different :). If your water breaks and you’re not dilating enough they will give you pitocin or something to help along the way.
@jadasweet0218, how many hours were you in labor? I was also induced with my first and was in labor for 18 1/2 hours but when I got to the hospital I was 1cm already. So I wasn’t sure how they’d go about it if I’m not open at all.