This is a comment that a"friend" of my left on a post I shared. Wtf is wrong with people? How can someone not care that babies will be going hungry soon?
I didnt know Wic would be affected, that's how I get my daughters' formula, we still end up spending $150+ every month on it as well. It definitely helps because their formula is so expensive. Luckily after next month they don't need it anymore but its so sad to see some babies will not have a way to eat! Me and their dad work and still struggle with everything. I can't imagine what it would be like if we didnt have jobs. I'm glad you told her how it was.
So many people have a skewed view of what assistance is. They think people take that assistance so they can sit at home and be lazy, but that's not how it is! So many people I know are on assistance even with working one, two, three jobs! It has nothing to do with being lazy or not, it's that wages don't match the cost of living, daycare is exhorbitant, and many families need help just to pay basic necessities and bills. It makes me so mad.
Ignorant comments like that annoy the shit out of me. Do people not realize you can work and still get assistance if you're under the income limit. If they work they also pay taxes sooooo... IT'S NOT ONLY THEIR TAX MONEY. 🤦🤦🤦