Anyone have a leech in their life? I’m talking about people who constantly want something and other than that they don’t come around.
This is my life right now with someone close to me😠
Ha! that was my life last week! I erased all my social media I am not trying to deal with anyone now lol I only have moms life and I'm good for now. Family members owe me money said a day and now they can't repay me so I am taking it as I paid them to stay away from me LOL. 😌
@vanessa.brown89 I completely hear ya! My problem is someone asking to pick up their kids to and from school...yet they owe me money. And hit me up on snapchat or whatever social media to talk bs and not talk about my money they owe. Or they ask for rides. But my responsibility is my Own kids. I work they don't but yet they have 2 working cars and expect me to be the magic school bus daily although we live in opposite directions. I am just done with all the bs and fuckery. I'll take it as a lost and as I gave them that money to leave me alone lol. Money is money and its a reason if I don't have it myself I won't ask I'll do my own stuff until my payday.
I had my Mother in-law , sister in-law, and brother in-law all on block from my phone. If I don’t hear their calls or see their texts then I don’t have to feel guilty.