I need all the advice i can get for my LO. She has had the WORSE gas her whole 10wks of life and today we went to the ER because the last week she has been uncontrollably crying from 8pm-10pm constantly and consistantly ! I feel terrible for her and i have done everything to try and help. The DR perscribed her some acid reflux meds today to help with her spitting up, and her pediatrician suggested probiotics which seemed to work until now. We tried gripe water we tried gas drops we do baths bicycles and tummy there ANY other advice that has helped tour LO survive 4mos of being colic? Ill try it all...

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You know, baby wearing might help. My son hates being swaddled so I took forever to try putting him in the wrap but he loved it. I wish I had started using it sooner. It’s snug for baby so it feels like a swaddle but in moms arms so it’s comforting to smell mama I tried that and it helped my baby so I started using it every day and it really helped us. We also got put on Zantac and rice starch formula and it all has really helped.
20.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I bought a weap so will definately be trying that today. The ER ended up switching her formula from Neosure to Gerber SOY but they didnt mention 1 thing about the rice formula that i keep hearing about..and when they sent me to buy different formula until i could get to WIC to get it changed they told me to buy a prosobee formula and Gerber SOY was one of the ones mentioned that was affordable. Right now im trying to get her in a pediatrician to ask them what the hell they think i should change it too. Her last pediatrician stopped taking her because they dont accept sunshine medicaide😣 so after 2 mos of seeing her i now have to switch pediatricians and with her not feeling well its been rough trying to call😵😵
24.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
My baby has it so bad. Magic baby tea is the best ever! On amazon or Walmart might carry it I saw. Get Windi’s by Frida baby use those often. Definitely the baby tea it’s is such a life saver. Everyday use probiotics for her and switch to nutramigen. Hope it helps. My baby literally jus passed that colic stage a month ago.
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I wonder if i can get nutramigen under WIC thats about 4 times I've heard how it saved mamas lives switching the baby to that ! Im definately gunna look into that and the magic tea
20.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@siobhanbonfitz2018, hopefully cause we don’t get WIC and a small can is $30 and a big is $40 😳 good luck mama I hope something helps! The magic tea will for sure for a couple hours at least and it’s all organic and natural:)
20.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Oh my goodness..9 mos😵 lol thank u so much ive been non stop looking, reading, asking everyone and everything !! Lol and that's when i even have the time too without her screaming lol. We did change her to a soy formula and am hoping that may help😔
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yes, just about. Maybe less, about 5 or 6 but the older he got, it went away. But he also had an umbilical hernia so that made it worse 🤦🏽‍♀️
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
My middle child was colic and it lasted until he was about 9 months. It was the hardest ever, so I understand. I used to have to run the washing machine or vacuum to stop his crying, even late car rides to help him go to sleep. And he was breastfed as well. Normally the gas drops and gripe water only helped for the time being. Maybe change her milk. I’ll look into some other safe remedies, if possible. Hope she feel better soon 💕
14.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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