ALL MOTHERS, answer honestly

1• How far along were you when you found out? 6 weeks with Poppy & 5weeks with Sophia

2• Was your pregnancy planned?
Sophia’s pregnancy was planned.

3• How much weight did you gain being pregnant? 7lb with Poppy and 2st with Sophia🤦🏻‍♀️

4• What was your instinct tell you, a boy or a girl? I was convinced Poppy was a boy but I knew Sophia was a girl.

5• What is the gender of your babies? Girls

6• What were your cravings? Poppy- Vinegar & double cheeseburgers. Sophia- Big Macs & starbursts

7• Morning sickness? Yes the entire pregnancy with Poppy🤢 and up to 15 weeks with Sophia.

8• When was your due date?
Poppy 21/9/16 Sophia 23/11/18

9• When did you have your baby ?
Poppy 14/7/16 Sophia 9/11/18

10• Natural or c-section
Poppy -Emergency c-section
Sophia - Elective c section

11• Weight?
Poppy - 1lb 14oz
Sophia - 5lb 11oz

12• What is your baby’s name?
Poppy Hope & Sophia Janet

13• How did you choose your baby's name?
Poppy as it sentimental to my family and Sophi we just both loved.

14• Breastfeed?
Poppy - Nope not at all
Sophia - First few days

15• Do you want any more children ?
That would be a firm Nooooooooooooooooo!😂

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