So my LO is 9wks old and 8pounds now. Shes up to eating 3ozs a feed every 3 hrs but between the hrs of 7pm-10pm she gets so antsy and cries. The bottle is the only thing that seems to keep her occupied but not her full 3ozs only about an oz then back to crying for awhile then shell eat and eat cry eat cry. Her peds said its not colic because shed be crying or fussy all day and she isnt. She has uncomfortable gas and constipation and sometimes makes me think that may be it but its the same time everynight. So i was thinking maybe its the witching hour or cluster feeding..i change her, i give her a bath, i rock her, walk her around, talk to her, do some tummy time, switch off with my SIL to try a different approach and she is just antsy and annoyed and unhappy. Its like clockwork everynight now for a little over a week. Does anybody have some ideas on other things i can try to help her either keep occupied or happy.

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She’s probably still hungry. Try giving her one more ounce.
14.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I totally feel your pain. My baby never wants the binky but I started offering it all the time alternating from that the bottle and constantly rocking him all over my house. What finally worked was the “sleepy wrap” he sleeps for like 3 hours at a time in there and wakes up so rested and happy
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Its so crazy cuz sometimes she loves the binkie but other times she doesnt which seems to be those few hrs at night when shes in pain. Im gunna take her to the er this afternoon becsuse her peds wouldnt see her last wk due to insurance changes !!! Im so pissed at them !!
13.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
My son started this at about 6 weeks I started putting him to sleep before his time that he starts fussing. That worked sometimes but sometimes he’d be just waking up and start fussing for the night and I’d try a bath or night time gripe water gas drops I started offering a binky because sometimes they just need to soothe so that may work. Hope this helps I know it can be hard when they cry but just comfort and love on them and don’t be afraid to ask for a few minutes to get yourself together and have someone else take over for a bit it can be so draining. Our pediatrician called this colic. She said the inconsolable crying that starts around afternoon can sometimes last till up to 4 months.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I thought it was colic too but her peds said that it isNT colic because she isnt in constant crying only the certain 4 hrs at night😢 and also she just spits her binkie out! I am exhausted and only sleeping every other hour but she is even more exhausted 😞
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Maybe try an extra ounce of formula at night it might help. I hope it gets better
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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