KayKay 🌱
KayKay 🌱
Any Mommy’s who chose not to vaccinate their child?
Just looking to hear from Moms who chose not to do so

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Thank you lovely ladies for your inputs
I respect them all
I definitely agree with being upfront with other Moms about my child not being vaccinated just because we chose our route does not mean we don’t consider anyone else’s

We all are making the best decision for our children
Just after my research and experiences from friends, family I choose to not do so until he’s a little older
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
If you decide not to vaccinate...All you have to do is sign a paper stating you chose not to vaccinate, for schools & Dr.s
You could be discharged from certain physicians but you just have to look for another
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
My ex friend didn’t vaccinate her children. Now I refuse to have my kids around her kids. I’m so glad she told me she didn’t vaccinate so I could cancel the play dates. If you choose not to vaccinate, please be honest and up front with other kids’ parents so they have the choice to prevent their kids from being around your kids. Best of luck to you.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Totally agree I appreciate it when people are upfront and honest with us regarding it, because in the end it’s not worth the risk for JJ.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
In my personal opinion. I chose to get my child's shots. Although people who are so judgemental forget that our grandparents were never vaccinated and they're just fine. Some people chose not to so their child's immune system gets stronger. But they're more prone to the diseases that are out there. I don't want to play with my child's life , so I chose to do it. Also if it wasn't a huge possibility my child could die from such diseases I wouldn't give my children shots as in the older days no-one had them. But to each their own. Good luck mamma. There's about to be a lot of unhappy people commenting lol
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@kason.dylons.mamma, okay, I never doubted that your grandparents weren’t vaccinated and turned out fine. That’s great for them. I was just saying how that whole generation didn’t go unvaccinated. My grandfather grew up in Britain and is older than your grandmother and he got shot(s). We can have a discussion about this without either of us getting annoyed. And I’m not very sure which part of my original comment made you annoyed but I do apologize.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mommaofjais probably so they created it in 1796 . I'm not saying no-one did or didn't get vaccinations, I just know my grandparents didn't. Back then most cases ended in death from not getting shots or getting shots and having reactions to it, and not being able to be helped with it as they knew very little about it. Now you have a reaction they can do more for it. I'm not annoyed by anything I just don't like to be told I'm more than likely giving false information . I was just saying what my grandma told me when we talked about vaccinations.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@kason.dylons.mamma had this discussion with my parents and in laws the other day. All of them (aunts and uncles included) had measles/mumps as children and didn't die...theyre in their 50s..kind of like how I had chicken pox as a kid but now it's required to be vaccinated 🤗
15.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
It's your child and ultimately your choice. Keep in mind most public schools will not accept children who are not vaccinated. It's not just to protect your child but they are also there to protect children who can not get vaccinations because of medical reasons like allergies. There are lots of opinions and people get very passionate about it. Prepare for the coming debate that will unfold on your post.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Couldn't have said it better 🖒👌 esp the debate part lol
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for that and I agree.
Just wanted to hear from Mother’s who did not have their child vaccinated
Our minds are made up already
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Totally nailed it! It’s everyone’s choice I won’t judge or argue that.

Some paediatricians will also not accept patients who refuse to vaccinate for the safety of children with special needs like my son who are immunocompromised. So when choosing not to vaccinate there are also schools and doctors who can choose to refuse you care or services.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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