Ladies I need relationship advice. My husband called me last night ( he is out of town till Friday). Well he confessed to cheating with 5 women thru out our 6 year relationship. I cheated when we first started dating 6 years ago. He knows about this has known for years. Well after me questioning him about who and he gave names and when and he told me when. He asked if I have cheated more then the one time he knows about. I was honest and said no. ( To pissed off to lie to him at that point I was thinking fuck I should have been). Well after all of it he says he was joking and he never cheated he just wanted to see if I ever cheated. But now I don't believe it was a joke. Idk what to do or how to feel.
Don't see as a hurt since he said it was a joke. Try seeing it like this, he is worried about what you do which mean he actually care about z relationship.
This is absolutely fucking AWFUL, what an asshat! I REALLY think he was just trying to get you to admit something so he could say HA...SEE I wasn't doing ANYTHING you weren't doin so you can't really be mad! ESPECIALLY with him working out of town so much. I wouldn't be able to believe a damn word that came outta his mouth. DEFINITELY listen to to your gut and intuition on this one girl.
What a jerk honestly. Even if it was a joke this is something you do not joke about specially knowing it will break your heart what a douchebag seriously I'm so pissed for you. Go with your gut on this one. I know for me the trust would be gone but you know your husband.
Wow that’s horrible.. I would be so crushed if my husband did that. I’m sorry 😞 I pray it’s just a joke for your sake but still that’s not nice at all to do
Whattt?! 🤯 what kind of asshole would play tricks on you like that? Wtf I’m angry for you. I wouldn’t believe it’s a joke bc he gave you names and dates when it all happened. For me, even if he was “just joking” my trust would be gone.
That’s nothing to joke about, and for me, the trust would be gone after that “joke.” I think he’s telling the truth about cheating and wanted to see if you would admit to cheating more so he could throw it in your face.
Omg that’s like a mind fuck, tbh I’d be pisses my husband does that to me too. And I’m just sitting there like wtf just happened he was so believable. But go with your women’s intuition. It’s not fair for you to tell the truth and him trick you into it. Instead of being truthfully honest.