Today is 4 days before expected period. Using ovulation tests we know we had sex during my ovulation window. I tested yesterday and today using a first response test and both negative. Is it still early or should I just accept that this month it’s a negative? Could it still be?
Could still be too early. I tested at 10dpo got a clear negative. My l.p. is only 12 days. I didn't get a faint positive until I was 2 days late, at 14dpo. Fingers crossed !!
With my son, I tested negative at 11 dpo (confirmed with OPK) and got a positive in the afternoon of 15dpo (I say afternoon bc I could have likely FMU tested the day before or so and got a + I think. You definitely arent out!
If baby implanted at 9dpo, which is most common day, it can take up to 13dpo to get a positive. Implant happens 6-12dpo and Takes 2-4 days for HCG to build.
With my son I didn't get a positive test until 13 days after my missed period. I ovulated later than I had initially thought, so maybe keep testing until AF arrives or u miss AF!