I just heard my ugly thoughts very clear today! Both babies crying at the same time, hubby is in the bedroom sound asleep not hearing any of it, and I have homework that was due last month and I'm not even done half of it! It was my worst nightmare! The worst side of my inner thoughts! I suppressed them for the sake of everyone involved and yelled for my husband to help me 3x! He didn't come to my aid till I busted through the door and yelled his name again (bc he was sound asleep). He then got up and helped me. No one got cussed out, and my thoughts didn't become my reality! I popped 2 capsules of placenta today (hadn't taken any yet @ that point bc I haven't had the chance to eat a meal, or sandwich, just snacks). Jesus! Thank You Lord! The struggle sometimes is too real! I understand way better today than any! And it's okay, just breathe, pray, talk about it, vent on social media(this is as far as it goes for me) and move forward. Love yourself and your littles beyond your thoughts!
#postpartumhappened #theugly #survivorofthemoment #reflection #released #forgiveyourself
Thanks for listening.