Hey y’all! What do you think about this? I took this just now. The first day of my last period was 11-12 and right now I’ve been noticing right pelvic pain.
Helps get you pregnant? Dr Google says
Do prenatal vitamins make you more fertile?
Taking a prenatal vitamin is perfectly healthy for someone not looking to conceive. While it won't support fertility, it will replenish folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and calcium stores in the body. This can help keep you strong and prevent potential health complications in an unexpected pregnancy.Feb 2, 2018
I used Ovia and after 13 years I was pregnant in two months. The app told me the days to try and I follow my body’s signs and got pregnant fast. I did see a specialist and my prolactin was high. I was ttc so I took A prenatal vitamin, tracked my periods, found how to check my cervix and finally got pregnant. Good luck!
Ah! Just read you are coming off BC, that can take a long ass time unfortunately. Good luck to you! I had 2 cycles in a year span but then conceived my daughter by "accident" after the year anniversary of being off it. Baby dust!
Negative test ! How long are your cycles ? You said you haven't had a period since November... So it's been going on almost 2 months since you've had one ?
Do prenatal vitamins make you more fertile?
Taking a prenatal vitamin is perfectly healthy for someone not looking to conceive. While it won't support fertility, it will replenish folic acid, iron, vitamin D, and calcium stores in the body. This can help keep you strong and prevent potential health complications in an unexpected pregnancy.Feb 2, 2018