Ok- so I have heard about cluster feeds at 2mos and I'm thinking my LO has started this. She gets so antsy and hungry right after shes fed probably about 70% of her feeds. I talked to her peds and she said to keep it at what it is -- shes 8 wks (weds) 7pounds 4oz eating 3ozs of neosure with iron every 2/3 hrs depending on how fast she starts her hungry ques. She is a premie though which is what her peds was more concerned about because her digestive system is behind (which i started her on probiotics to help with her gas pains which has helped tremendously!)So I did try a 4oz feeding today for lunch because she just seemed starving for a whole hr after she had her 3ozs at her breakfast feeding but i noticed that she spit up twice and she usually never spits up..i dont wanna let my girl starve but also i dont want her belly to ache especially since i judt got her gas pains to stop a few wks it too early to start with a little cereal, rice, or oatmeal in her bottle to help fill her up?

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You can contact them, you can also ask you pediatrician if they will. My pediatrician gives me samples of stuff I want to try even when we had to change their formulas.
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
If she has trapped gas they will do hungry cues bc it soothes temporarily. Both of my girls did this one was premmie and they had to go onto nutramagine and it worked wonders. I wouldnt introduce anything other than formula or breast milk due to tummy issues and not having a natural swallow reflex for solids.
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I've heard great things about the nutrigeama !! I wonder if tgey can send me samples to try it
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Ugh that's crazy! I'm so sorry you're going through this! I would definitely see about the tongue tie and lip tie again. Try the Windi as well for the gas but check with a dentist who is able to recognize tongue and lip tie obstructions. Not all can and pediatricians often don't know enough either. Try this site for locating an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and a Holistic Dentist:


If you are on WIC have them locate the local area breastfeeding consultants who have resources for dentists that are knowledgeable on lip anf tongue ties. ❤
13.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thanks girl thats great advice !!
19.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@siobhanbonfitz2018 you're very wecome! Hey we have to support our mama's! ❤
20.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Ok so mine was nursing like crazy but wasn't pooping. Has she been pooping normally? Spitting up more? She may have trapped gas. This can and does make them feel more hungry. I used the Windi and my baby passed gas and pooped a ton! He had not pooped for 2 days prior to this today. He was constantly spitting up after feedings as well. After the Windi, he nursed afterwards and fell right to sleep. Last night he was nursing every hour for 5 hours!! Try the Windi!
08.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mom2311s does trapped gas make it hard for them to eat as well like she deems ehen dhe eats and has gas at the same time its painful for her😢
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@siobhanbonfitz2018 yes!! Mine had passed gas and burped and then arched his back until I could get more gas to pass. Arching their back is a big sign they are uncomfortably gassy. Mine will be evaluated next week for lip and tongue tie problems. Some babies can have a tie and it not cause issues. With mine it is causing issues. I feel he is gilping air down because of the ties. I hear a clicking sound too which is tell-tale of a lip tie obstruction. There are different levels of ties though. Right now the Windi works for us.
12.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mom2311s my LO was in the NICU for 3wks after she was born because she was premie and 6 wks early..couldnt breath on her own at first then had trouble learning the suck and swallow to be able to go home. So they had speech come work with her and check the tounge tied and after 3 wks she was released to go home and was eating great. Now since her gas and constipation started it seems like shes having an uncomfortable time eating too and i am wondering if she is now tounge tied..i can't tell if its painful to eat or if she like forgot how....she had her 2 mo check up last wk and her peds wouldnt see her due to insurance changes so im gunna take her to the er this afternoon to make sure that it is what is wrong with her because she hasn't been to her pediatrician in about 2 weeks now when she was going every week for check-ups weight check-in stuff like that for being preemie but now with the insurance b******* I have to find a new pediatrician now
13.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
She is way too young for solids and if her digestive system is behind then she definitely won’t be able to digest any kind of cereal yet. How many feedings does she have in 24 hours? If she’s hungry then feed her more often. Young babies don’t really have breakfast, lunch etc, they feed every 2 hours usually. And if you increase the amount in the bottle only go up by a half ounce at a time, so try 3.5 oz instead of 4.
08.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn’t add anything to her bottle. I would either keep it like it is as the ped suggested or maybe try giving her half an ounce more if she’s still fussing for it after a feeding.
30.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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